Saturday, April 26, 2008

Weigh In Day

Well I weighed in today after eating really bad early in the week for 3 days. Remember now I'm on the ABS Diet. I lost more weight this week.

I started 1/1/08 at 218. Here's my latest progress.

4/12 - 207.6
4/19 - 206.4
4/26 - 205.6

I'll eat much better this week. And I'm planning on ramping up the ABS part of my workout. Adding incline, adding a little weight. I need more of a challenge. A good problem to have!

I'll check in early in the week and let you know how that goes.

Blog: Backup your PC online automatically. Just set it and forget it.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Weigh In - and Eating bad

The past 2 weeks my weekly weigh ins have been very happy moments.

4/12 - 207.6
4/19 - 206.4

This week though has not been a good diet week. There's a birthday at my house and early in the week we've been eating to celebrate. Not to be fit.

3 different deserts - cake, pie, ice cream cake. And we have a family tradition, on the actual birthday, we eat whatever that person wants all day. So breakfast was biscuits and gravy - for all you folks not fortunate enough to be from the south, that's several biscuits openened up on your plate with white cream gravy poured over the top. YUM! But not ABS Diet material. hahaha

Also, several of my friends met for lunch at Babe's. It's the home of the most wonderful fried chicken on the planet. I did not gorge, but I did eat 2 legs and a breast. It's wipe your chin off good. All they serve is fried chicken (family style) and chicken fried steak - with cream gravy of course. Sides are cream corn, mashed potatoes, biscuits with honey or molasses. If you are ever in the DFW area, make a point to go to Babe's. It's just that good.

Anyway, this can't be good for my diet. We'll see when weigh in day comes. The rest of the week I've been eating right, and working out on schedule.

I'll let you know what happens. Having 3 or 4 cheat meals in one week can't be good. But it sure was fun!


Blog: Backup your PC online automatically. Just set it and forget it.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My workout routine

Here's what is working for me. Keep in mind that between sets there is NOT a rest. You go from station to station. I do the entire workout twice.

On M,W,F I do this routine twice:

5 minutes walking on the treadmill to warm up
15 crunches
Side Bend with 12 lb medicine ball - 10 reps
Bridge - hold for 20 seconds - 3 reps
Superman - 2 reps

Then I do this routine twice:

Bench Press
Military Press
Upright Row
Triceps Pulldown
Leg Extension
Biceps Curl
Leg Curl

I'm usually in and out of the gym in 1 hr 15 minutes max.

On T, Th I simply walk on the treadmill 4.0 MPH for 30 minutes.

Sticking to the ABS Diet and I have indeed been dropping fat. Most weeks I lose one pound. Others I lose zero, others I lose two.

I am building muscle mass as well. So I know I'm gaining some there.

I've never ever been a muscle man. So when I put on muscle mass at all it's exciting.

This week I lost 1 lb. Down to 207. We'll see what this week brings. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My ABS Diet Diary and Log

I've been on the ABS Diet since January 1, 2008. Yes my wife and I made the common New Years Resolution. We've stuck with it pretty well. My wife is on the ABS Diet for Women. She doesn't like it as much as the men's version. But she modified it and it's now working great for her.

I'm a big fan of the Men's Health excercise books. A few years ago I followed the Hard Body Man book to the letter. I was very happy with the results. I was eating 7 times a day - yes you read that right - 7 times a day. And I my body was changing for the better. The only downside was 3 days a week I was in the gym for 2 hours., and 2 days a week I was in the gym for 1 hour. That's hard when you work and have a family to raise too.

Due to a sudden change in my job I had to stop the workout regimen. And of course lost most of what I had worked for.

Fast forward to December 2007. I had read several things about the ABS Diet book. I went to Barnes & Noble and read several workout books. The ABS Diet book made logical sense, and was very similar to the Hard Body Man book. A lot of updates about your diet - which I like.

What I like about the ABS Diet it's really big on eating natural foods. I learned alot about the evils of high frutcose corn syrup and processed flour. You really have no idea how many foods include HFCS and processed flour.

High frutcose corn syrup was introduced in 1975. It is a cheap sweetner. That's why food producers rely on it so much. Why does high frutcose corn syrup make us fat? Because our bodies do not know how to process high frutcose corn syrup. So it just stays in our systems. HFCS is evil. hahaha. But seriously - stay away if you want to lose weight.

ANYWAY... About me. I'm a 39 year old 6'3" and started out at 218lbs. Compared to most guys my age I'm not heavy. But I should be better. Heart disease runs in my family. So I need to take care of myself. My blood pressure is perfectly fine. I'd like to keep it that way.

My wife is not pressuring me at all to do this. Other than to be healthy. She doesn't want to be a widow early in life.

Bottom line: It's now April 8 and I've lost 10 lbs. Love handles are gone. Still have a tummy that I'd like to lose. And I can definitely see a change in my muscle mass. My shirts and suit coats are not fitting right anymore. Especially in the arms and shoulders. Yay!

Where do I workout? Larry North Fitness. I like it because I can get my workout done with little interruption. When I go there is never a crowd or competition for equipment. It's also not a social gathering. People are there to workout, clean up and go.

The ABS Diet workout is good because you get a full body workout 3 days a week. I do cardio on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 30 minutes - by the book.

Now I don't follow the book 100%. The ABS Diet is really big on oatmeal. I just can stand oatmeal. It's like eating mush without flavor. If you buy the sugar filled versions at the store, it will do more harm than good. So I skip that part.

It also promotes doing a workout on Saturday. It involves a hard workout including High Intensity Interval Training. This is a VERY popular cardio/fat burning technique these days. Gone are the days of running on a treadmill for 45 minutes to burn fat. HIIT is where it's at now.

Sadly I am not able to do the Saturday workout. I'm sure if I had the time on Saturdays I would be able to burn this last fat that I'd like to lose. I have boys who play sports. Saturdays are just a wild day of watching each of them do their thing. Time just doesn't consistenly allow.

I will use this blog to publish my progress. I'm down to my last 10 pounds or so. This is the hardest part - the last 10 pounds.

I'm going to have to "eat super-clean". We'll see what happens.

Next time I'll tell you about what foods I stay away from, what foods I struggle with and about my workout. Stay tuned...

Leave me a comment and let me know if you are interested in this.

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