Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My workout routine

Here's what is working for me. Keep in mind that between sets there is NOT a rest. You go from station to station. I do the entire workout twice.

On M,W,F I do this routine twice:

5 minutes walking on the treadmill to warm up
15 crunches
Side Bend with 12 lb medicine ball - 10 reps
Bridge - hold for 20 seconds - 3 reps
Superman - 2 reps

Then I do this routine twice:

Bench Press
Military Press
Upright Row
Triceps Pulldown
Leg Extension
Biceps Curl
Leg Curl

I'm usually in and out of the gym in 1 hr 15 minutes max.

On T, Th I simply walk on the treadmill 4.0 MPH for 30 minutes.

Sticking to the ABS Diet and I have indeed been dropping fat. Most weeks I lose one pound. Others I lose zero, others I lose two.

I am building muscle mass as well. So I know I'm gaining some there.

I've never ever been a muscle man. So when I put on muscle mass at all it's exciting.

This week I lost 1 lb. Down to 207. We'll see what this week brings. Stay tuned!


Unknown said...


Congrats on your success,doing what your are doing right now is even a success by itself. I'm on the same page with you too, I was introduce to ABS diet back in 2006 but life and family got in the way. This time I'm serious about it. I started last week at 201lbs and lost 3lbs so far. I do also post every now and then on the Menshealth.com/medium fatt loss with the name Will be. My short goal is to lose 10lbs by 5/7/08, I've lost 3lbs and 7 to go. I'm following the Abs diet religiously with the exception of more Cardio...I'm doing a lot of spinning class (stationary bike with a group at my local gym) for at least an 1hr each session 3 times a week and soccer games on Weds and Thurs for about 1.5-2hrs.

Lets push it to the max and good luck with your plan this time.

Will be

AmericanMatt said...

Thanks Bud. Sounds like you are having some success! 3lbs in one week is a lot! Way to go!

I'll post about once a week.

Keep at it!